If you've worked for a while in WPF doing any kind of complicated user
interface, you may have noticed that while WPF has some great methods
for getting the mouse position relative to an element, there is one
serious problem - the returned position is sometimes wrong. Yeah, I
know it is hard to believe, but it is true. When I first ran across the
problem, I tore out my hair for the better part of a day trying to find
what was wrong with my code - only to eventually figure out that this is
a known issue with WPF.
This problem is actually even documented on the MSDN page about the
standard WPF function to get mouse position. The following quote is
taken verbatim from the MSDN page on
During drag-and-drop operations, the position of the mouse cannot be reliably
determined through GetPosition. This is because control of the mouse (possibly
including capture) is held by the originating element of the drag until the drop
is completed, with much of the behavior controlled by underlying Win32 calls.
The problem is more widespread than just drag-and-drop, though. It
actually has to do with mouse capture (as the quote states) - and so
anytime that an element is doing something funky with mouse capture,
there is no guarantee that the position returned by
will be correct.
The issue also applies to the
function on
which available through all the standard mouse events. Even one of their
suggested workarounds for the issue during drag-and-drop (using the
function on
has the exact same problem. They really need to remove that workaround
from their list - figuring that it didn't work either was another few
hours of hair tearing pain.
Ok, but enough complaining about what doesn't work - time to figure out
what does. The second workaround suggested on MSDN actually does work,
which is P/Invoking the native method
This is actually pretty easy to do, assuming that you know how to pull
in native methods. So let's take a look at the code:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace CorrectCursorPos
public static class MouseUtilities
public static Point CorrectGetPosition(Visual relativeTo)
Win32Point w32Mouse = new Win32Point();
GetCursorPos(ref w32Mouse);
return relativeTo.PointFromScreen(new Point(w32Mouse.X, w32Mouse.Y));
internal struct Win32Point
public Int32 X;
public Int32 Y;
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
internal static extern bool GetCursorPos(ref Win32Point pt);
So what we want here is a method that works the same way as the WPF
version, except that it is correct all the time. This means a method (in
this case
), that takes in a Visual as the argument
to get the mouse position relative to that Visual. What does this method
do? Well, first, we have to create our own special point struct, which I
named Win32Point
here. This is because outside of WPF, mouse positing
is dealt with in terms of pixels, and so the coordinates are integers
(not doubles, like the WPF point struct). Then we pass in a pointer to
the struct to the native method GetCursorPos
. This will fill the stuct
with the current cursor coordinates. The code used to pull in this
native method shouldn't look to surprising - while it is not common.
Once we have the raw cursor position, we need to convert it to something
that makes sense in the WPF world. This is where the handy
method is useful. This method converts a screen position into WPF
coordinates relative to the visual. And that is it! The value returned
is the correct cursor position.
One important thing to note about using the results of
WPF. You should never use those values directly, because the values are
in system pixel coordinates, which are meaningless to WPF (since WPF
uses DIU, or Device Independent Units, instead of pixels). Using them
directly will cause a subtle problem that you won't notice until you run
your application on a system that has a DPI setting other than 96 (this
is because 1 pixel = 1 DIU when working on a 96 DPI screen). Before
using the result, you should always pass it through something like
(WPF does the translation between screen pixels and
DIUs deep inside that method).
Now really, was that that hard? As you might have been able to tell from
my tone at the start of the tutorial, this WPF issue really irked me.
But oh well, hopefully they fix it in the next version of WPF.
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