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C# - Getting from WPF to a Metafile & onto the Clipboard [Intermediate]

So in the world of Windows, there is this horribly awful and horribly useful thing called a metafile (sometimes called WMF, sometimes EMF). In general terms, it is essentially a transportable list of GDI commands for drawing an image or set of images. Applications like Microsoft Word use it for transferring collections of graphical objects to other applications through the clipboard or drag & drop. It has been around for quite a while, and so is supported as a standard clipboard/drag&drop format by many applications.

However, as soon as we enter the WPF world, we have a problem. WPF knows nothing about GDI - you can't convert from a WPF Visual into a list of GDI commands. So the very basic infrastructure of a metafile no longer meshes with the way WPF works. But don't give up yet!

While it isn't possible to go from a WPF visual to GDI commands, it is possible to go from a visual to a bitmap. And, thankfully, a bitmap can be placed inside of a metafile. Now, be warned, this is not a perfect solution - part of the usefulness of a metafile is that since it is just a list of GDI commands, it is (in many ways) a vectored image. By just sticking a bitmap in the metafile, that whole vectored concept goes out the window.

You are probably wondering "if you already have a bitmap in your hands, why not just stick that on the clipboard, instead of going to all the effort of creating a metafile?" (if you weren't, you should have been :P). The answer to that is two fold - one, sometimes applications deal with metafiles much better than a plain old bitmap (Microsoft Word in drag/drop, I'm looking at you!). Two, when a bitmap gets placed on the clipboard, any information about the DPI of that bitmap gets lost (because what gets placed on the clipboard is just the pixels - no header information is carried along). By using a metafile, information like DPI is kept with the image.

Ok, enough talk and complaining. Let's look at some code. It actually isn't that hard to do - it is just a matter of knowing what to do in the first place:
public static bool PlaceElementOnClipboard(UIElement element)
  bool success = true;
  Bitmap gdiBitmap = null;
  MemoryStream metafileStream = null;

  var wpfBitmap = MakeRenderTargetBitmap(element);
    gdiBitmap = MakeSystemDrawingBitmap(wpfBitmap);
    metafileStream = MakeMetafileStream(gdiBitmap);

    var dataObj = new DataObject();
    dataObj.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, gdiBitmap);
    dataObj.SetData(DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile, metafileStream);
    Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObj, true);
  { success = false; }
    if (gdiBitmap != null)
    { gdiBitmap.Dispose(); }
    if (metafileStream != null)
    { metafileStream.Dispose(); }

  return success;
That's the top level view of what we are doing. First, we create a RenderTargetBitmap out of the given UIElement. Then we convert that bitmap (the WPF kind) into the GDI kind (a System.Drawing.Bitmap). Once we have the GDI bitmap, we can create a metafile (or, in this case, create a MemoryStream containing the metafile).

Once we have everything created, it is time to create a DataObject and populate it. We push in both the GDI bitmap and the metafile stream to make sure that if an application supports one format, but not the other, the data on the clipboard will still be useful. After we have a populated data object, all that is left is to push it onto the clipboard, and then clean up after ourselves.

Creating the RenderTargetBitmap and the System.Drawing.Bitmap isn't that interesting - we have done it before here (you can check out thistutorial), but here is the code anyway:
private static RenderTargetBitmap MakeRenderTargetBitmap(UIElement element)
  element.Measure(new System.Windows.Size(double.PositiveInfinity, 
  element.Arrange(new Rect(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), 
  RenderTargetBitmap rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap(
    96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
  return rtb;

private static Bitmap MakeSystemDrawingBitmap(RenderTargetBitmap wpfBitmap) 
  var encoder = new BmpBitmapEncoder();
  var stream = new MemoryStream(); 

  var gdiBitmap = new Bitmap(stream);

  return gdiBitmap;
The interesting code is converting from the System.Drawing.Bitmap to the Metafile:
private static MemoryStream MakeMetafileStream(Bitmap image)
  Graphics graphics = null; 
  Metafile metafile= null; 
  var stream = new MemoryStream();
    using (graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image))
      var hdc = graphics.GetHdc();
      metafile= new Metafile(stream, hdc);
    using (graphics = Graphics.FromImage(metafile))
    { graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0); }
    if (graphics != null)
    { graphics.Dispose(); }
    if (metafile!= null)
    { metafile.Dispose(); }
  return stream;
The gist here is that we pull the HDC (the Handle for Device Context) out of the Graphics object for the System.Drawing.Bitmap and use it to make a new metafile on top of a new memory stream we just created. Then we get the graphics object for the new metafile, and draw on it as much as we want (although in this case, all we want to do is draw the bitmap). Once we are done, we clean up, and are left with a MemoryStream that holds the metafile.

There you go! We successfully took a WPF element and got it onto the clipboard in a (rasterized) metafile. One random other thing to note before you grab the code file below and go on your way - don't forget to add a reference to the System.Drawing dll in your Visual Studio project - that is where the Metafile, Graphics, and Bitmap classes are defined.


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