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Routed events in WPF let you do all sorts of crazy (and very handy) things. The fact that you can preview events on the way down the visual tree, as well as hook them as they bubble back up opens up a whole world of possibilities that would have been nothing but pain back in WinForms. But I'm not here today to wax poetic on routed events, I'm here to talk about some of the lesser known functionality of the WPF event system - namely Class Handlers.

What is a class handler? Well, it is a way of attaching to an event for an entire class, and not just a particular instance of that class. Say you want to do something special on GotFocus for every TextBox in your application. Generally, there would be two possible paths that you could follow. One, you could make your own custom TextBox that would hook into its own GotFocus event and execute your custom logic - but now you have to remember to use that custom TextBox class everywhere in your app. Or, even worse, you can go around hooking to the GotFocus event on every single individual TextBox.

With a class handler, however, you can hook into the GotFocus event for the TextBox class, i.e., every single instance of TextBox ever created in your application will get your custom logic. This is a lot cleaner than either of the two other solutions, and the technique in general puts a lot of power in your hands.

OK, let's dive in and take a look at how to use that power. Below is a screenshot of the sample app we are going to make today. Not really that much to look at - just three ListBoxes with some images and blue rectangles inside them.

Example App Screenshot
By default, when an item is focused, it fires a RequestBringIntoViewEvent. This event is handled by the first ScrollViewer along the visual tree, and that ScrollViewer will try and bring the focused item into view. This is why when you click on an item in a ScrollViewer that is only partly in view, the ScrollViewer will scroll to bring the item fully into view. This also will happen if you use the arrow keys to move between items.

In this sample app, we have turned off that functionality for any Image instance in a ListBox - clicking on or arrowing to one of the images will not cause it to scroll into view. However, the blue rectangles continue to scroll into view.

So how did we turn it off? We used a class handler, of course! Take a look at the code below:
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace ClassHandlerExample
  public partial class ClassHandlerExampleWindow : Window
    static ClassHandlerExampleWindow()
          new RoutedEventHandler(HandleRequestBringIntoView));

    private static void HandleRequestBringIntoView(object sender, 
      RoutedEventArgs e)
      var item = e.OriginalSource as ListBoxItem;
      if(item != null && item.Content is Image)
      { e.Handled = true; }

    public ClassHandlerExampleWindow()
    { InitializeComponent(); }   
This is the code behind the window you saw above. First, we have a static constructor that does the actual class handler registration. The method to call is RegisterClassHandler, a static on EventManager. This call is registering the function HandleRequestBringIntoView for the event FrameworkElement.RequestBringIntoViewEvent on the ScrollViewer class.

This means that the HandleRequestBringIntoView function will fire whenever a RequestBringIntoViewEvent (that has not yet been handled) bubbles through any ScrollViewer in our application. If you wanted handled events too, there is an overload for RegisterClassHandler that takes a boolean for handling events that have already been marked as handled.

A handy thing about class handlers is that they get invoked before any instance handlers. This means that a class handler gets a chance to handle the event first, and so can keep any regular instance handlers from ever running.

It is that exact fact that we use to our advantage in this code. If the original source of the event (i.e., the element that is requesting to be brought into view) is a ListBoxItem and its content is an Image, we mark the event as handled. Otherwise, we do nothing. By marking the event as handled, the ScrollViewer never runs its own default logic, and so the image is never scrolled into view.

And there you go! Now you know all you need to know about class handlers. A word of caution, though - class handlers are extremely powerful. It is deceptively easy to break built in functionality or seriously slow down your application if you use class handlers unwisely. But hey, with great power comes great responsibility, right? If you would like to grab the source for this example, the zip file below holds the Visual Studio solution.

Source Files:


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