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C# WPF Snippet - Detecting Binding Errors [Beginner]

Isn't it really annoying when WPF binding errors fail silently? The application compiles, the application runs, but nothing is working - all because of a silly typo in a binding somewhere. And then, once you realize it is a binding error (which is not always obvious), you have to drudge through the debug output trying to find that one line that says "System.Windows.Data Error ....". Even worse than that is the subtle binding error where the app still works, but maybe the text on some label isn't updating right, and you don't even notice the bug until weeks later.

If you are as annoyed by all that as I am, you have come to the right place. Today we are going to take a look at a simple way to make binding errors literally explode in your face (as MessageBoxes!). We are going to take a look at adding a custom trace listener to listen for binding errors and pop them up as a message box when they happen.

To do this, we have to create a custom trace listener - our own class derived from DefaultTraceListener. Trace listeners are behind almost all of the debugging/error reporting in .NET - it is where almost all the debug output comes from. Probably your most direct interaction with trace listeners comes from using Debug.WriteLine and Debug.Assert - trace listeners are used there to do the debug output and the message box in case of failure.

Our custom trace listener is actually a really simple chunk of code, so I'm just going to put it all here in one block and then walk through it.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;

namespace SOTC_BindingErrorTracer
  public class BindingErrorTraceListener : DefaultTraceListener
    private static BindingErrorTraceListener _Listener;

    public static void SetTrace()
    { SetTrace(SourceLevels.Error, TraceOptions.None); }

    public static void SetTrace(SourceLevels level, TraceOptions options)
      if (_Listener == null)
        _Listener = new BindingErrorTraceListener();

      _Listener.TraceOutputOptions = options;
      PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Switch.Level = level;

    public static void CloseTrace()
      if (_Listener == null)
      { return; }

      _Listener = null;

    private StringBuilder _Message = new StringBuilder();

    private BindingErrorTraceListener()
    { }

    public override void Write(string message)
    { _Message.Append(message); }

    public override void WriteLine(string message)

      var final = _Message.ToString();
      _Message.Length = 0;

      MessageBox.Show(final, "Binding Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, 
So first off, actually setting the trace listener. SetTrace here is a static method that takes a SourceLevel and TraceOptions. SourceLevel is essentially how much tracing to do. In our case here Error is a good value - otherwise we might get bombarded with message boxes. TraceOptions is a flag enum that says what types of information should be included in the trace. In general, I've found that you don't need any of the extra info to debug data binding errors, so I default it to None.

When SetTrace is called, we create an instance of our custom trace listener (unless our custom trace listener is already listening). Then we add it to the list of listeners on the DataBindingSource trace. PresentationTraceSources has a number of different traces, but today all we care about is the DataBindingSource. However, if you ever happen to be looking for other WPF debug information, this class is a good place to start.

Once our listener instance is added to the list, it will now be notified if there are any errors. This is where our overrides to the Write and WriteLine methods come in. The base methods for DefaultTraceListener do things like write debug output - but in this case we don't want to do that. In our case we want to show a message box with the error. However, because we don't want to be bombarded with message boxes, we only show one for every line written - we just accumulate the strings passed in to the Write call until a WriteLine call is made, at which point we display the whole error string.

And finally, as you might expect, the static method CloseTrace removes the trace listener from the list, so it won't be notified of errors anymore.

So how do we use this trace listener, and what does it show when there is an error? Well, below you can see a nice binding error waiting to happen:
<Window x:Class="SOTC_BindingErrorTracer.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
  <Button Content="{Binding ElementName=foo, Path=bar}" />
The trace only needs to be set once, and then works for the entire application until it is closed. so in this case we set up the trace in the constructor for this widow:
public partial class Window1 : Window
  public Window1()
And now, when you start the application, you get the following very obvious error:

Binding Error Message

And that is it! Using this, now binding errors are as obvious as a regular old exception -and it is much less likely that one will slip in and stay in by mistake. You can grab the source for the custom listener below, if you would like to use it/modify it yourself. 

Source Files:


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