We do some pretty neat things with all sorts of code, and all this requires a ton of screenshots to help explain all the craziness. But besides having that good ol' fashion "Print Screen" button, we can actually use C# to take a screenshot for us. The best part of all is that it is only a couple lines of code. So lets just go ahead and dive right into it. Now, all we are going to do is create a function that you can call whenever you need to take a screenshot. The first thing we need to do is add a using statement, because we are going to use a non-standard namespace. We need to include the System.Drawing.Imaging namespace in order for this to work: Using System.Drawing.Imaging; That will let us use the basic yet powerful methods that will help take a screenshot. The first thing we need to do is setup an empty method to fill up. To start, our method will take in nothing and return a bitmap, so it will look something like this: public Bitmap Screen...